The administration and management of the strata scheme may be performed on behalf of all lot owners by the Body Corporate Committee.
The Body Corporate Committee is a group of owners elected at each AGM who can make many of the day-to-day decisions about running the scheme on behalf of the Body Corporate including the maintenance and repair of common property.
The Body Corporate Committee has the responsibility of enforcing by-laws (rules) and must budget how much money is required to maintain your building now and into the future.
The Body Corporate must elect a Committee at each AGM and appoint executive positions of Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. Some of these positions can be held by the same person.
The Body Corporate Committee must have at least 3 members and maximum of 7 members (for schemes with 7 or more lots). If there are less than 7 lots, the maximum number of members is the same as the number of lots.
You can be elected to the Committee if you are:
A ballot may need to be held to decide executive positions and ordinary committee members.
It is you, the owner, who votes for the Body Corporate Committee.
*Under the Small Schemes and two- Lot scheme module there is no requirement for 3 people or a Chairperson.
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